The Heart of Grief
The Heart of Grief
Do Men Grieve Differently?
It’s commonly wondered if men grieve differently than women. I want to explore this with the goal of better understanding the differences and achieving greater success in promoting grief care programs among men.
While men are similarly equipped for emotional awareness and expression as women, recent science has revealed differences in brain function. This, together with well recognized differences in gender socialization, results in men tending to avoid addressing the deep emotions of loss. Are the differences real game changers? Are men able to do grief as well as ladies? Do men need to process loss differently? Well, it seems there are both "yeses" and "nos" to these questions. Please listen for more of the man-grief story.
Two Minds: The Cognitive Differences Between Men and Women
Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt: Helping a Man Who is Grieving
Herb Knoll: The Widowers Support Network